Dylan Gray Consulting

Dylan Gray Consulting

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Best Practices You Need for Salesforce Data Cleaning

Salesforce Data Cleaning


If you have been in business for a while, you no doubt have accumulated organization data about your prospects and clients. But data changes frequently, people move companies, move positions within companies, opt-out or in of emails.

Companies merge, split and go bust all the time which can create bad data within your Salesforce CRM. A good data management system would have periodic data cleaning which merges duplicate data and removes bad data to keep up with good data quality standards.

What is Data Cleaning?

Data cleaning is an essential set of tools and techniques used to modify or erase any information that is inaccurate, incomplete, irrelevant, duplicated, or wrongly formatted. By removing unreliable data from your data set, maximizing the accuracy of existing data, and enriching missing data (think phone, email, or CAN-SPAM compliance) you enhance your organization’s ability to be effective.

Purpose of Data Cleaning

  1. Data cleaning eradicates errors (dirty data) from the data set leading to less frustrated staff and happier clients.
  2. Reduce costs, don’t waste time and money contacting people who are not there
  3. Protect your brand and improve customer relationships by not marketing to customers like they are prospects
  4. Best practices – comply with CAN-SPAM laws and Marketing guidelines
  5. Clean data produces accurate, reliable reports for better decision making

Five Best Data Cleaning Practices

Here are four practices you can use to maintain healthy data set:

  1. Data Standardization: Map data across Salesforce org and other systems so you know what is supposed to match.
  2. Data Validation: Validation rules the accuracy of the data you do have.
  3. Deduplication: Identify and remove duplicate records to get a clean master set of data.
  4. Enrichment: Add in missing data to complete the essential information you need.
  5. Duplicate Prevention: Leverage real-time tools to prevent duplicate creation going forward.

Why Migrate Data

With DGC & Migrate Data, your data is in safe hands, data is what we do. With 25 years of data migration & cleaning experience, they have handled thousands of data-related projects for some of the largest brands.

Leveraging the industry-standard PDM 2.0 methodology and in-house specialist tools, they save you time and money because they handle the entire project seamlessly, so you won’t have to stress about the complexity of the risks.

DGC Partnership

With Dylan Gray Consulting as the sole US representative of Migrate Data, we can offer you Migrate Data services to, from, and within Salesforce and other applications, as part of a bigger project or sole service.

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